Storytelling for Leaders - In-company program - April 2021

"Storytelling is certainly a skill that every person, irrespective of the role and position one holds, need to learn to be an effective communicator. Jaya did a brilliant job in leading us through the learning process and provided us with a platform to build on. The approach to provide post ILT coaching sessions gives us an opportunity to really practice and get feedback as we develop ourselves through practice. Brilliant structure and highly recommended."
"Coaching my personal story telling which is very helpful in pragmatic way. Jaya is very supportive and responsive. Great! Thank you!"
"I liked different aspects of storytelling and how to structure the story."
"I learned a lot but at the same time, the training did not feel theoretical. Enjoyed the many practice sessions in break-out rooms with colleagues which was a safe space to practice and get things wrong and right."
"I liked the structure of the program - leading from simple stories to more complicated ones"
"I liked figuring out what I've been doing wrong all this time - because now I can actively avoid doing it"
" I liked the passion and commitment of the art of coaching senior leaders on the subject"