Developing a business storytelling skill to influence, inspire and engage
This program teaches practical techniques to tap into the power of stories to influence, engage and inspire others. While experience is the best teacher, narrating a compelling story is a close second.
It's not about telling riveting tales - it’s about the purposeful use of story to make a point, influence decisions, change minds and to build rapport. This skill is especially essential for leaders to deal with the current change in the work environment.
Organisations are evolving fast. Structures are flatter and reporting lines more complex. Employees and customers are spread around the world. And everyone is deafened by the ‘noise’ of information inundation. Yet the modern leader still needs to be able to influence and persuade in this constantly fluid environment … and this leadership occurs at all levels in an organisation.
The sharing of stories orally is a powerful way of cutting through regardless of the medium (online or f2f). When we share stories (real-life examples) to make a business point, people ‘get’ what we are saying – and they remember it. This is the case whether we are communicating informally (which is what we do most of the time) or in a more formal environment such as a presentation or pitch.
We offer In-house & public programs to learn this powerful technique.

Storytelling for Leaders will teach you a systematic method for becoming a better, more confident business communicator. However, the program goes further. You will also learn how to use the magic of stories to get more from others—story-listening is the art of getting others to share stories. You’ll learn how to elicit stories from others, building stronger connections, and gaining a better understanding of what’s really happening.
It is a powerful program, developed by Anecdote International, and has been successfully used for years by global organisations like Gartner, IBM, Mars, Shell and many more.
I spent 23 years with Nokia, the last 11 as a senior executive. During that time, I noticed that some leaders were very clear and engaging communicators and others, while technically competent, were not. I noticed this but didn’t know why there was such a stark difference.
When I left Nokia IN 2011 to start my own business as an Executive Coach, part of the role was to help leaders be better communicators. I had a hunch about the effectiveness of storytelling and decided to learn more about it. I attended a workshop which was very disappointing – it was fun but it was more about the performance of stories and I knew it wasn’t what business executives needed. When I explained this to the facilitator, she suggested I approach Anecdote, who specialise in business storytelling. I signed up for their Storytelling for Leaders program as it was exactly what I was looking for.
Here’s the link to the Anecdote podcast where I share a defining moment in my life.
Over the years I have used storytelling in my Executive coaching and Facilitation work to build rapport quickly and inspire action. At the beginning of 2020 with the COVID situation escalating I realised that this was the right time for me learn how to teach business leaders to use the power of story and be better communicators.
I am now the accredited Singapore partner for Storytelling for Leaders by Anecdote International. I have got a deep insight into stories and what makes stories so powerful in getting the message across. Every leader can use this wonderful technique to be more effective, inspiring and influential at the workplace.
I’d love to get together and tell you more.