An Update from All Lined Up

How are you?

I just wanted to check in and hope you and your loved ones are doing well.

This is an unprecedented time in our history and the pandemic is having an impact on the way we live our daily lives.

 How we navigate through this unique and evolving challenge will define us. Some helpful tips;

Letting go, calms us and assures us that we can’t fix the world

Patience as there are no quick fixes

Trust that this too will pass

Living in the present and focusing on the here and now

Reaching out to people even virtually can promote our well-being


I have had to postpone several of my Bikablo programs as well as Gaston’s lettering program. I am using this time to practice my Bikablo icons, create new posters for my trainings, write blog posts, upgrading my webstore, doing mindful colouring & practicing gratitude while on my morning walk.


So, this is a good time to whip out your Bikablo books or your Bikablo program booklets and start practicing to increase your visual vocabulary.

Stay home, Stay safe & Stay healthy.


Warm regards,